
What we do

Through sport, Mentoring, employment, and advice & guidance projects, JYCA has managed to engage, empower, develop and give opportunities to many young people.

We support unemployed 16-24-year-olds to move into employment using the power of sport. As a youth charity, we use football and other sports as a tool to engage with young people, as well as teach them the key life and work skills they need to move into sustainable employment or training. Our programmes operate throughout England and Wales.
We as a youth-based organisation use sports as an integral part to create a positive and cohesive togetherness amongst young people in our community. Sports is amongst the biggest social asset we have as we use its competitiveness as a lure for youth to assert all their energy and efforts towards it thus diverting them away from any criminal-related activities which directly interlink with ‘free time’.
Mentoring Scheme
A guidance and an additional helpline has almost become a necessity in a world full of political dexterity and uncertainty. Through excessive research and past failures, it has been notably mentioned as a fact that young people with a caring and consistent adult mentor are more likely to succeed in life.
Youth Emplyment Projects
They say the lack of money is the root to all evil. We most unquestionably agree with that truthful statement. In 2018, 520,000 young people aged 16-24 were unemployed across the capital. We as an ethnic minority area in which suffering from poverty is almost a part of the norm of everyday life.
Volunteering opportunities
Giving back to your local communities is something we are all obliged to do. We offer all young people an opportunity to help and be a part of our projects, so they may develop industrial related skills, problem solving and adaptability in which they can progress onto their personal CV. Other benefits and skills that can help with the growth of young people from volunteering includes; time management, team work, timelessness, leadership, professionalism and finally work ethi
Leadership skills training
They say an ‘army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions lead by a sheep’. Leadership training seminars are pivotal in shaping an entire community. Everybody’s a leader of their own flock. however, leadership must be harnessed and resurrected from within us.
Residential trips
Trips and vacations are a very significant methods to help engage the youth. Phycological research illustrates that vacations and group trips have been linked to anti depression as well as boosting self-esteem. Higher productivity, stronger workplace morals and greater youth retention all interlink with trips and recreational vacations. We as an organisation have taken our youth to previous residential trips and the results and benefits obtained from this project have been truly remarkable.

We are always here. Visit us.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and solving your problems. If you want to require any further information,please call us on telephone or contact by e-mail.
9 White Lion St London, N1 9PD
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