About us


About JYCA

JYCA was set up 2007 by young people who sought to provide a support network for young people in Islington. It has done this through connecting young people together through sports, mentoring, practical advice and guidance and giving young people a platform to speak.

Over the years JYCA has worked collaboratively with Listen Up, Islington Faith Forum, Lift/platform Youth hubs, Prince Trust, Islington Council, Arsenal in the Community, access to sports MuslimWelfare House and Finsbury Park Mosque which aims to give young people a voice about issues affecting them in the current socio-political context and to have an impact on decision-makers.

Our Vision

Jubba’s vision
A society in which young people are empowered with the skills, knowledge and voice to be leaders in the community, to play an equal and positive role in society, to achieve highly, and to contribute to making Britain fairer, equal and more just.
JYCA is youth led organisation whose mission is to improve the quality of life and life chances of young people within the community by empowering them with skills, opportunities and a collective voice.
Organisational vision
By 2020, Jubba will be a high profile youth led community organisation empowering excluded communities.

Our Team

Jubba is a group of young people living in Islington who have come together and set up their own youth led organisation. We currently work with over 200 young people from the community to develop their skills and confidence through sports, culture and mentoring. We campaign on issues important to young people and work in partnership with statutory, community and faith organisations.
Jubba Youth promotes high achievement amongst refugee communities, specifically youths. The project aims to bring a divided community together, promoting unity and respect. Through engaging with these exclude young people we aim to improve the quality of their lives and their life chances.

We are always here. Visit us.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and solving your problems. If you want to require any further information,please call us on telephone or contact by e-mail.
9 White Lion St London, N1 9PD
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