Youth Emplyment Projects

It's often said that money makes the world go round, and for many in our community, its absence creates a constant struggle. We live in an area where ethnic minorities are disproportionately impacted by poverty, making it a familiar hardship for many families.
Mentoring Scheme

A guidance and an additional helpline has almost become a necessity in a world full of political dexterity and uncertainty. Through excessive research and past failures, it has been notably mentioned as a fact that young people with a caring and consistent adult mentor are more likely to succeed in life.
Leadership skills training

They say an ‘army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions lead by a sheep’. Leadership training seminars are pivotal in shaping an entire community. Everybody’s a leader of their own flock. however, leadership must be harnessed and resurrected from within us.

We as a youth-based organisation use sports as an integral part to create a positive and cohesive togetherness amongst young people in our community. Sports is amongst the biggest social asset we have as we use its competitiveness as a lure for youth to assert all their energy and efforts towards it thus diverting them away from any criminal-related activities which directly interlink with ‘free time’.